Incoming articles
"Ro-vibrational Collisional Excitation Database : BASECOL",
M.L. Dubernet et co-auteurs, papier dintroduction officielle de la base
M.L. Dubernet, 5th International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and their Applications (ICAMDATA), held in Meudon, France, 15-19 October 2006., Ed: E. Roueff, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2007, Vol. 901. "The Virtual Observatory: its goals and the relevance of atomic and molecular data".
N. Moreau, M.L. Dubernet, H. Müller, Astronomical Spectroscopy and Virtual Observatory, held at ESAC, Villafranca,
21-23 Mars 2007, ESA Proceedings 2007. "VO access to CDMS spectroscopic database".
E. Roueff , M.L. Dubernet,W.-U.L. Tchang-Brillet, Astronomical Spectroscopy and Virtual Observatory, held at ESAC Villafranca, 21-23 Mars 2007, ESA Proceedings 2007. "Electronic molecular transitions".
M.L. Dubernet, N. Moreau, P. Osuna, M. Guanazzi, J. Salgado, E. Roueff, I. Barbarisi, SF2A-2006: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics Eds.: D. Barret, F. Casoli, G. Lagache, A. Lecavelier, L. Pagani, p.87. "Definition and Implementation of VO standards for the Access of Atomic and Molecular Linelists".
N. Moreau, M.L. Dubernet, SF2A-2006: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics Eds.: D. Barret, F. Casoli, G. Lagache, A. Lecavelier, L. Pagani, p.95. "Automatic access to BASECOL database and scientific applications"
Le Sidaner, P. and Dubernet, M.-L. and Simon, G. and Aboudarham, J. and Baillard, A. and Barache, C. and Boone, F.
and Chilingarian, I. and Dantel-Fort, M. and Desert, J. M. and Didelon, P. and Egret, D. and Guibert, J. and Hebrard,
G. and Lainey, V. and Magnard, F. and Marmo, C. and Martin, J. M. and Pelat, D. and Renié, C. and Sarkissian, A. and
Schneider, J. and Theureau, G. and Vachier, F., SF2A-2006: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society
of Astronomy and Astrophysics Eds.: D. Barret, F. Casoli, G. Lagache, A. Lecavelier, L. Pagani, p.93. "Latest VO
developments at Paris VO Data Center"
N. Moreau and M.L. Dubernet, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XV ASP Conference Series, Vol.
351, Proceedings of the Conference Held 2-5 October 2005 in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain. Edited by Carlos
Gabriel, Christophe Arviset, Daniel Ponz, and Enrique Solano. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific,
2006, p.391 - "VO access to BASECOL database"
M.L. Dubernet, P. Le Sidaner, G. Simon, J. Aboudarham, C. Barache, J. Berthier, F. Boone, J. Borsenberger, M. Caillat,
I. Chilingarian, J. Crovisier, M. Dantel-Fort, B. Debatz, C. Dedieu, D. Egret, A.M. Gontier, J. Guibert, D. Guillaume,
R. Haigron, P. Hennebelle, I. Jegouzo, V. Lainey, J. Le Bourlot, F. Le Petit, J.M. Martin, P. Micheneau, N. Moreau,
D. Pelat, M. Perault, P. Prugniel, C. Renié, F. Roques, F. Royer, J. Schneider, F. Tajahmady, G. Theureau, W. Thuillot,
F. Tran-Minh, F. Vachier, J. Vetois, F. Viallefond, Proceedings Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XV, held in 2005,
Madrid, 2006, p. 394, ASP Conference Series, Vol. XXX, Ed. C. Gabriel, C. Arviset, D. Ponz and E. Solano. "VO Paris
Federation between Paris Observatory, IAP, IPSL and CEA"
M.L. Dubernet, E. Roueff, proceedings Joint Meeting ITC14 and ICAMDATA 2004, 2005, Toki, Japan. "Atomic and
Molecular Databases in the context of Virtual Observatories". Special Issue of the Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research
M.L. Dubernet, A. Grosjean, F. Daniel, D. Flower, E. Roueff, F. Daniel, N. Moreau, B. Debray, proceedings Joint
Meeting ITC14 and ICAMDATA 2004, 2005, Toki, Japan. "Ro-vibrational Collisional Excitation Database : BASECOL". Special Issue of the Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research
F. Genova, M. L. Dubernet,M.-H. Bouin, S. Chaintreuil, A. Csillaghy, J. Delabrouille, D. Despois, G. Duvert, J.L.
Counil, M. Gerin, C. Lathuillere, N. Mangold, Y. Mellier, F. Mirabel, P. Prugniel, C. Soubiran, P. Valiron, H. Wozniak,
Semaine de lAstrophysique Franaise, meeting held in Strasbourg, France, June 27-July 1, 2005, p. 15, Eds.: F. Casoli,
T. Contini, J.M. Hameury and L. Pagani. EdP-Sciences, Conference Series, "VO-France"
M.L. Dubernet, proceedings SF2A-2004: Semaine de lAstrophysique Franaise, meeting held in Paris, France, June 14-
18, 2004. Eds.: F. Combes, D. Barret, T. Contini and F. Meynardier. EdP-Sciences, Conference Series, p. 183. "Atomic
and Molecular Databases and their integration in Virtual Observatories"
M. L. Dubernet, B. Debray, A. Grosjean, D. Flower, A. Faure, T. Stoecklin, P. Valiron, F. Daniel, N. Feautrier, E.
Roueff, A. Spielfiedel, Semaine de lAstrophysique Franaise, meeting held in Paris, France, June 14-18, 2004. Eds.: F.
Combes, D. Barret, T. Contini and F. Meynardier. EdP-Sciences, Conference Series, p. 123. "Ro-vibrational Collisional
Excitation Database ( or"
M.L. Dubernet, B. Debray, A. Grosjean, M. Bruston, F. Combes, M. Cornille, D. Egret, C. Stéhlé, L. Tchang-Brillet, C. Zeippen, Proceedings ADASS XIII, 2003, Strasbourg, "Access to Atomic and Molecular Data/Databases in the VO"
M.L. Dubernet, B. Debray, J. Le Bourlot, A. Walters, Proceedings SF2A-2003: Semaine de lAstrophysique Française,
meeting held in Bordeaux, France, June 16-20, 2003. Eds.: F. Combes, D. Barret and T. Contini. EdP-Sciences,
Conference Series, p. 159. "Atomic and molecular databases for Astrophysics"
B. Debray, M.L. Dubernet, A. Grosjean, E. Oblak, J.M. Petit, C. Reylé, A. Robin, Proceedings ADASS XII, 2002,
Baltimore, " Turning Besançon Observatory on-line facilities into the VO - Galactic Model Simulation, Binary Star,
Molecular Collisional and TNO data bases."