Invited Conferences

  • December : Scientific Preparation of HERSCHEL, Leiden. "Ro-vibrational Databases", M.L. Dubernet
  • October : ICAMDATA, Meudon, France. "The Virtual Observatory: its goals and the relevance of atomic and molecular data", M.L. Dubernet
  • June : SF2A 2006, Grenoble, France. "Molecular Universe Network : An interdisciplinary programme of the physics and chemistry of molecules in space", M.L. Dubernet
  • June : 9th Biennal HITRAN Database Conference, Boston. "BASECOL database and implementation of VO standards for the exchange of atomic and molecular data", M.L. Dubernet, N. Moreau, P. Osuna, M. Guanazzi, J. Salgado, E. Roueff
  • May : Complex Molecules in Space: Present status and prospects with ALMA, Aarhus, Danemark." Tools for ALMA: data, databases, analysis software and the Virtual Observatory", M.L. Dubernet, A. Walters


  • December : "Molecular Universe" FP6 Workshop, Leiden. "Recent progress and developments on BASECOL", M.L. Dubernet
  • June : SF2A-2005, Strasbourg."VO-France", M.L. Dubernet on behalf of the "Conseil Scientifique de VOFrance


  • June : 8th Biennal HITRAN Database Conference, Boston. "Access to databases of Atomic and Molecular Data in the Virtual Observatory", M.L. Dubernet-Tuckey
  • June : SF2A-2004, Paris. "Atomic and Molecular Databases and their integration in Virtual Observatories", M.-L. Dubernet


  • June : SF2A, Bordeaux. "Atomic and Molecular Databases for Astrophysics". M.L. Dubernet

Oral Communications in Workshops


  • July : MAPSO OT-KP "Mapping SGR B2 & ORION", a Herschel Open Time Key Program team meeting 3, CSIC, Madrid, Spain. "News from Basecol", M.L. Dubernet, F. Daniel (présenté par F. Daniel).
  • May : Workshop on "A+M/PSI Data Exchange", NIST, Gaithersburg, USA. "Virtual Observatory and Relevance to Atomic and Molecular Data", M.L. Dubernet
  • March : Euro-VO Workshop, ESAC/Villafranca, Spain. "Electronic molecular transitions", E. Roueff , M.L. Dubernet, W.-U.L. Tchang-Brillet (présenté par E. Roueff)
  • March 2007 : Euro-VO Workshop, ESAC/Villafranca, Spain. "VO access to CDMS spectroscopic database", N.Moreau, M.L. Dubernet, H. Müller (présenté par N. Moreau)


  • July : MAPSO OT-KP "Mapping SGR B2 & ORION", a Herschel Open Time Key Program team meeting 2, CSIC, Madrid, Spain. "Basecol Database (", M.L. Dubernet
  • April : Workshop on Numerical Simulation in the VO, Paris. "BASECOL database", M.L. Dubernet
  • April : Workshop "Masse de Données en Astrophysique", "Structuration Données Atomiques andMoléculaires", M.L. Dubernet


  • December : FP6 "Molecular Universe" Annual networkmeeting, "Progresses with the BASECOL database", M.L. Dubernet
  • October : Interoperability Meeting of the IVOA, Madrid. " Atomic and Molecular Line Data Model", given by M. Guainazzi, on behalf of the working group: M.L. Dubernet, P. Osuna, M. Guainazzi, E. Roueff, J. Salgado.
  • May : Interoperability Meeting of the IVOA, Kyoto, Japan. " Atomic and Molecular Line Data Model", M.L. Dubernet, P. Osuna


  • September : Interoperability Meeting of the IVOA, Pune, India. " Access of Atomic and Molecular Physics in the VO", M.L. Dubernet-Tuckey
  • April : Atelier Transfert Radiatif V/IR/mm et Application au VLTI et ALMA, Meudon. "Bases de données en physique atomique et moléculaire pour IR et mm", M.L. Dubernet-Tuckey


  • November : Forum Bases, traitements de données et Observatoires Virtuels, Meudon. "Bases de Physique atomique et moléculaires". M.L. Dubernet.
  • May : Atelier sur les bases de données de physique atomique et moléculaire, Meudon. "BASECOL : processus d‘excitation ro-vibrationnelle". M.L. Dubernet.


  • May : Réunion GDR PCMI, Paris. "Taux d‘excitation ro-vibrationnelle". M.L. Dubernet.



  • May : Institute of Applied Physics and ComputationalMathematics (IAPCM), Beijing, China. "Virtual Observatory and Relevance to Atomic and Molecular Data", M.L. Dubernet
  • March : MPI für Radioastronomie, Bonn,Germany. "Virtual Observatory Paris Data Center",M.L. Dubernet
  • April : IAEA Headquarters, Vienne, Austria. "XML Schema for Atomic and Molecular Data: Molecular Data", M.L. Dubernet


  • October : Observatoire de Paris. "XML Schema for Atomic and Molecular Data: Molecular Data", M.L. Dubernet
  • March : IAEA Headquarters, Vienne, Austria. "XML Schema for Atomic and Molecular Data: Molecular Data", M.L. Dubernet



  • August : JENAM2007, Yerevan, Armenia. "Some VO Implementations in Paris VO Data Centre-II: SLAP access via VOSpec client to LERMA Atomic & Molecular VO-server", N. Moreau and M.L. Dubernet
  • June : SF2A 07, Grenoble, France. "Paris VO Data Center 07: une fédération de laboratoires et de projets autour de l‘Observatoire Virtuel, Observatoire de Paris, IAP, IPSL et CEA ", P. Le Sidaner, M.L. Dubernet, J. Normand, A. Shih, G. Simon


  • June : SF2A 06, Paris, France. "Paris VO Data Center 06: une fédération de laboratoires et de projets autour de l‘Observatoire Virtuel, Observatoire de Paris, IAP, IPSL et CEA ", P. Le Sidaner, M.L. Dubernet, G. Simon
  • June : SF2A 06, Paris, France. "Definition et Implementation of VO Standards for the Access of Atomic and Molecular Linelists", N. Moreau and M.L. Dubernet
  • June : SF2A 06, Paris, France. "Automatic access to BASECOL database and scientific applications", N. Moreau and M.L. Dubernet
  • June : SF2A 06, Paris, France. "DALIA, a generic interface for data analysis", F. Boone, N. Moreau, M.L. Dubernet, M. Louys, E. Yun, D. mulders, P. Schilke


  • ICAMDATA, Toki, Japan. "Atomic andMolecular Databases in the context of Virtual Observatories". M.L. Dubernet, E. Roueff.
  • SF2A, Paris - 8th ECAMP, Rennes - PCMI, Gerardmer - ICAMDATA, Toki, Japan, "Ro-vibrational Collisional Excitation Database ( or". M. L. Dubernet, B. Debray, F. Daniel, A. Grosjean, D. Flower, E. Roueff, A. Faure, T. Stoecklin, P. Valiron, J. Cernicharo, N. Feautrier, A. Spielfiedel, T. Stoecklin.


  • ADASS, Strasbourg. "Access to Atomic and Molecular Data/Databases in the VO". M.L. Dubernet, B. Debray, A. Grosjean, M. Bruston, F. Combes, M. Cornille, D. Egret, C. Stéhlé, L. Tchang-Brillet, C. Zeippen
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